Entity for the Quality Assessment and Certification of Organisations Recognised by the European Union CIC


2023 Annual Report

QACE publishes its 2023 Annual Report The report includes sections on the QACE Work Plan, assessment activity, assessment results and, in Annex C, the Collective Recommendations for 2024.

QACE Director not re-elected for third term

Dr Nikos Mikelis, who joined QACE as Director in May 2018, was eligible to be re-elected for a third three-year term at the 2023 AGM. However, the Members of QACE decided to reduce the number of Directors due to the planned merger of QACE with IQARB and therefore did not re-elect him. The Board of Directors of QACE from 1st January 2024 has three Directors.

Resignation of a QACE Director

Mr Lars Lange, who joined QACE as Director in January 2023, has resigned his directorship on 15th November 2023

Amendment to Articles of Association v6

Following the further submission of a Written Resolution by QACE’s President in accordance with the organisation’s Articles of Association, and having secured the required number of votes from Members, the following amendments have been made in version 6 of the Articles of Association: (a) a new Article 13.1 has been added with the following text: “General meetings may be held either in person or in a hybrid mode using suitable electronic means in which all participants may communicate with all other participants”; and (b) consequential amendments and renumbering of articles have been made.

Amendment to Articles of Association v5

Following the submission of two Written Resolutions by QACE’s President in accordance with the organisation’s Articles of Association, and having secured the required number of votes from Members, the following amendments have been made to version 5 of the Articles: (a) Article 13.2 “General meetings are called on at least 14 clear days’ written notice” (as opposed to 21 clear days specified in version 4); and (b) Article 13.6.8 now provides the possibility of the re-election of the President for a further two-year period (earlier versions of the Articles did not make this provision).

Issuance of QACE Certificate of Compliance to Türk Loydu

QACE is happy to announce that it has issued a Certification of Compliance (CoC) to Türk Loydu. TL completed satisfactorily all the audits and assessments required towards initial certification followed by a satisfactory verification of the implementation of the approved corrective actions. The CoC is valid from 1st April, 2023 for a period of 3 years, up to 31st March, 2026, subject to TL complying with the requirements for the maintenance of the CoC, to QACE’s satisfaction.

QACE wishes TL success in the implementation of their quality management system and consequent improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of their services to the maritime industry.

Retirement of a QACE Director and election of a new Director

At the time of the Annual General Meeting of QACE’s Members on 1st December 2022, Mr Hui Xie completed nine years of service as Director, and in line with the Articles of Association of the organisation Mr Xie was not eligible for re-election. The President thanked Mr Xie on behalf of the Members for his long service, his contribution to QACE, and his valuable counsel.

At the same meeting, Mr. Lars Lange, Secretary General of the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) and current Chairman of the International Quality Assessment Review Body (IQARB), was elected unanimously as the new Director of the Board for an initial term of three years. The Board and the Secretariat welcome Mr Lange, who is expected to make significant contributions to the process that is intended to lead to the merging of IQARB with QACE.

Membership of QACE of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping terminated

The Board of Directors of QACE held its 37th meeting on the 13th of October 2022. In that meeting, the Board agreed that following the European Union’s withdrawal of its recognition of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, and in accordance with QACE’s Article of Association 10.4.1, the Organisation had to terminate RS’s membership with effect from 7th October 2022.

Christian Breinholt (QACE Chairman from November 2018 to June 2021) has passed away

On the 12th of September 2022 we were notified that our previous Chairman, Christian Breinholt, passed away peacefully at his home in Copenhagen. Christian had stepped down as Chairman and Director of QACE at the end of June 2021 due to ill health.

We were all deeply saddened by this news. The words of one of our colleagues reflect the thoughts of all of us: “Christian will remain in my heart as a great albeit humble man”.

The Board of Directors, the President, the Secretariat of QACE, the IACS Quality Committee and all of Christian’s work colleagues offer their sincere condolences to his family.

2021 Annual Report

QACE publishes its 2021 Annual Report. The report includes sections on the QACE Work Plan, assessment activity, assessment results and, in Annex C, the Collective Recommendations for 2022.

New QACE Director

Mr. Peter Hinchliffe OBE was elected unanimously at the Annual General Meeting of QACE’s Members in November 2021 as the new Director of the Board for an initial term of three years. The Board and the Secretariat welcome Peter, who is bringing to QACE his extensive maritime experience.