Entity for the Quality Assessment and Certification of Organisations Recognised by the European Union CIC

Retirement of a QACE Director and election of a new Director

At the time of the Annual General Meeting of QACE’s Members on 1st December 2022, Mr Hui Xie completed nine years of service as Director, and in line with the Articles of Association of the organisation Mr Xie was not eligible for re-election. The President thanked Mr Xie on behalf of the Members for his long service, his contribution to QACE, and his valuable counsel.

At the same meeting, Mr. Lars Lange, Secretary General of the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) and current Chairman of the International Quality Assessment Review Body (IQARB), was elected unanimously as the new Director of the Board for an initial term of three years. The Board and the Secretariat welcome Mr Lange, who is expected to make significant contributions to the process that is intended to lead to the merging of IQARB with QACE.